Most popular college majors among American students

Most popular college majors among American students

The popularity of college majors differs from year to year. Well, it is not surprising as the world around us changes as well. Ten years ago majoring in law was extremely popular. However, only a few years ago getting a job in IT was one of the most prestigious things. Naturally, a lot of people chose a major based on the popularity of those professions that have at least something to do with IT. These days, more and more applicants are either interested in degrees that have a lot to do with science or the ones that are all about social media. The latter play such an important role in our lives that teengers seriously consider becoming influencers. Obviously, you cannot study at college to become an influencer as such a major does not exist(yet). However, you can learn more about social media algorithms and social media marketing to step up your game. What is also vital to highlight is that despite the popularity of social media, lots of kids still want to be doctors, teachers and lawyers. Therefore, it is quite interesting to see what the most popular college majors among American students are.

Which majors do American students choose most often?

Here are the most popular college majors:

  • Health professions. Becoming a doctor is not only prestigious. It is also noble. A lot of young adults are choosing this profession because they have a true desire to help others, to find cure for diseases, as well as to make the world a better place. Apart from that, entry-level salaries are rather good.
  • Computer and information sciences. Technology has become an integral part of everyday life which is the reason why more and more organizations and companies require highly qualified professionals. In addition, salaries are pretty high in this field, and there are lots of opportunities for career advancement.
  • Journalism. There’s a belief that this profession will always remain popular and it’s probably true. Exceptional investigative journalism is what every country needs to be able to deliver news in an objective manner. Therefore, working as a journalist will always be a profession our society needs.
  • Education. To keep attending schools and colleges, we need people who are going to teach us how to become experts in the fields we are interested in. That is the reason why teachers and professors will always be among the most sought after professions in society. Luckily, there are still people who are motivated enough to work in the field of education in order to help others acquire all the relevant knowledge and experience they require to become a true professional.
  • Psychology. This major has been one of the most popular college degrees for a while now, and it looks like the trend to become a psychologist is here to stay. The more we talk about mental health issues and the more aware we are of all emotional states, the bigger the demand for highly qualified psychologists and psychiatrists is going to be. Therefore, we need people who are true experts in this field.
  • Business. Some people dream of having their own company from an early age. These are those people who are ready to work really hard to earn enough money to be able to start that company. Yet, they require knowledge to make sure that their business stays afloat and becomes profitable. To get that knowledge, they apply to colleges. The more entrepreneurs we have, the more growing the demand for a degree in business is going to be.
  • Visual and performing arts. Pursuing a career in arts is all about following one’s passion. Such people are very brave because earning a lot of money in this field is not always possible. However, arts and culture were created to feed our souls. We need them not only to survive, but also to make our lives much more entertaining. Having more and more art majors presupposes that we are going to witness lots of creative projects become a reality.

Factors to consider before choosing a major

If you are at the crossroads, take into account a few factors before you make your decision. First and foremost, choose your major depending on the subjects and areas you are interested in. Consider what your strengths are and think about the subject majoring in which will help you thrive. Secondly, think about career opportunities and future employment. Getting an entry-level job right after graduation would be perfect. Thirdly, calculate how much getting a degree at a chosen college is going to cost you, especially if you are going to take out a loan. Finally, decide what’s more important for you – to find something for the soul or to be able to earn a lot of money.

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